Developing Followers of Christ in Ukraine

Developing Followers of Christ in Ukraine

Saturday, December 05, 2015

Thank You from Ukraine's Refugees

The photo to your left shows beginning fruit from the Ukrainian Refugee Project.  The war in eastern Ukraine resulted in more than 1.3 million registered as having fled their homes, jobs and belongings to restart their lives in safer areas of the country.  As you can imagine the needs are more than any one organization or person can provide.   We are just trying to do our small part for the kingdom of God.  If you do it to the least of these then you have done it to Jesus.  So, we have opened a Ukraine Refugee Humanitarian Project Fund at Crossworld through which we raise money to help these internally displaced persons in Kyiv and in eastern Ukraine with food, clothing, and necessary supplies for life.  Thank you so much for participating in this extension of the love of Christ to the needy.  As a result the needs of people are being met and some are coming to faith in Jesus.  Below is a "thank-you note" from the pastor of the church that directly works with these refugees here in Kyiv region.  I will provide a fluid translation below:

"Дорогие братья и сестры! Благодарим вас за оказанную помощь для беженцев с востока Украины.Мы купили на ваши пожертвования апельсины, которые в данное время очень полезны, т. к. содержат много витамин, а возможности у переселенца, как вы понимаете ограничены, и не все могут себе позволить их купить. Особенно ценно, что с материальной помощью, мы оказываем людям и духовную, неся им  евангелие, и проявляя любовь. Людям было так же очень приятно узнать, что о них позаботились христиане из далекой Америки. Пусть вас Бог обильно благословит своим благословением. С уважением к вам ваш брат во Христе Олег."

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ!  We thank you for extending your help to the refugees from eastern Ukraine.  With your sacrificial gifts we purchased oranges for the refugees which at this present time is very necessary providing vitamins to those whose opportunities are limited to purchase fruit.  Such material support is very important for showing refugees the love of Jesus and for sharing the gospel.  The people were very blessed to know that Christians from far away in America care for them.  May God generously bless you for these blessings. With respect from your brother in Christ - Oleg. 

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