Developing Followers of Christ in Ukraine

Developing Followers of Christ in Ukraine

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

July 13 update

Today, in my devotional reading I was reminded of five powerful words of Jesus from Matthew 16:18.  Jesus spoke: "I will build my church."  Each of the words explain an essential church.  1. The word "I" refers to Jesus as the Master builder.  Some may plant seeds; others may water; but, Jesus causes the growth.  2. The word "will" refers to a sure end result.  Without any doubt Jesus will accomplish what He set out to do.  3. The word "build" refers to a process of increasing quantity and quality. Jesus is adding and strengthening the church every day.  4. The word "My" indicates ownership. We are not our own.  Jesus purchased us with His precious blood.  5. The word "church" refers to a special and unique people called out of the world into Jesus' kingdom.  This devotional reading was such a good reminder to me that I wanted to share it with you. As Jesus continues to build His church I ask your prayers for Him to strengthen my small part in His kingdom.  Below are a few prayer requests on my mind today:

Pray for Monday's small group discipleship ministry. Pray for Tuesday's Disciple Making Ministries' ministry development. Pray for Wednesday's Disciple Making Ministries podcast development. Pray for Thursday's Lighthouse coffee house ministry outreach. Pray for Friday's small group discipleship ministry. Pray for Saturday's beginner level English grammar group outreach. Pray for Saturday's intermediate level English grammar group outreach. Pray for Sunday's regular church services. Pray for upcoming local discipleship training seminars in the fall. Pray for upcoming Lighthouse English speaking club outreach in the fall. Pray for the family, health, schooling, ministries, protection, provision... Pray for our next home ministry assignment June-December 2017. If during that time you would like a church, small group, or personal home visit then let us know. If during that time you would like a discipleship training seminar then let us know.

Disciple Making Ministries

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